Foods to avoid

Join Dr. Eric Berg as he reveals 7 harmful foods and their healthier alternatives. Discover ways to improve your diet and boost overall health with simple swaps!


Dr. Eric Berg is here to guide you through some common foods that can negatively impact your health and the clever alternatives you should consider instead. This article will cover seven specific foods that may be doing more harm than good, explaining why you should avoid them and offering healthier options that can fit seamlessly into your lifestyle.

You’ll find out how liquid sugar and processed cheese could be affecting your well-being and discover nutritious substitutes for items like protein bars and seed oil mayonnaise. By making these simple swaps, you can enhance your dietary habits and support your overall health. Join in and see how these changes can make a difference in your life.

Foods to Avoid

Today, we’re diving into a topic that’s likely to ruffle some feathers – seven foods you really ought to avoid. And I know what you’re thinking: “But I love my yogurt and protein bars!” Trust me, I understand. These dietary dilemmas can feel like breaking up with a comfortable but toxic partner. So, let’s navigate this culinary minefield together, shall we?

Liquid Sugar

Ah, liquid sugar. It’s the kind of thing that makes you nostalgic for the 90s when we guzzled down sodas like they were the nectar of the gods. The problem is, those sugary beverages are hiding in plain sight, and they’re worse for you than you might think.

Found in Soda, Juice, and High-Sugar Beverages

Most sodas and juices are like that charming but deceitful friend – they appear sweet and harmless but are loaded with the potential to wreak havoc. Whether it’s your favorite fizzy pop or that seemingly innocent apple juice, these beverages are often sugar bombs in disguise.

Depletes Vitamins and Minerals, Contributes to Insulin Resistance

Here’s the ugly truth: when you drink these sugary concoctions, you’re not just getting a sugar rush. You’re also depleting your body of essential vitamins and minerals and nudging yourself closer to insulin resistance. Basically, it’s like inviting a vampire into your home and wondering why you’re suddenly feeling drained.

Alternative: Zevia Zero-Sugar Soda

If you can’t kick the soda habit entirely, consider switching to Zevia zero-sugar soda. It’s a guilt-free alternative that lets you enjoy a bubbly treat without the sugar hangover. Plus, you get the added bonus of feeling like a responsible adult.

Processed Cheese

Processed cheese. We’ve all had those moments of weakness, grabbing a pack of bright orange slices that promise to melt so delectably on our burgers. But, oh my dear friend, there’s a dark side to this convenience.

Less than 51% Real Cheese

It’s cheese, Jim, but not as we know it. Processed cheese needs to contain only a smidgen over 50% real cheese to be labeled as such. The rest? Let’s just say, it’s a science experiment gone awry.

Contains Unhealthy Additives like Skim Milk, Canola Oil, Preservatives

The catch with processed cheese is all the extra stuff packed into those slices. Skim milk, canola oil, and a host of preservatives – these aren’t ingredients you’d find in grandma’s old-fashioned dairy recipes. It’s like the Frankenstein of the cheese world.

Alternative: Real Cheese

Opt for the real deal. True, it might not melt in that Instagram-worthy way, but it’s authentic. Treat yourself to some sharp cheddar or a nice, creamy brie. Your taste buds (and body) will thank you.

Protein Bars

Protein bars. They sound like the perfect accessory for your Lululemon outfit. But, peeling back the shiny wrapper reveals a less-than-savory truth.

Often High in Sugar and Processed Sweeteners

Many protein bars are akin to candy bars wearing health halos. They’re often packed with sugar and sneaky artificial sweeteners, giving you a quick energy hit but an inevitable crash.

Made with Soy Protein Isolates and Casein

Then there’s the matter of protein sources. Soy protein isolates and casein are more about cost-cutting than your health. These are heavily processed, and not the kind of wholesome protein your body would ask for if it had a voice.

Alternative: Boiled Eggs, Cheese, Meat Jerky

Switch it up with boiled eggs, a slice of real cheese, or even some meat jerky. These snacks offer you protein without the sugar rush and dubious added ingredients.

Seed Oil Mayonnaise

Mayonnaise – the understated hero or the silent villain of our sandwiches? When made with seed oils, it leans distressingly towards the latter.

Dr. Eric Berg Discusses Foods to Avoid and Their Healthier Alternatives

Typically Contains Highly Processed Soy Oil

The star player in most commercial mayo is soy oil, and it’s not the good kind. Highly processed with solvents like hexane, it’s not something you’d willingly invite into your tummy.

High in Inflammatory Omega-6s

To add insult to injury, these soybean oils are packed with omega-6 fatty acids, which can be inflammatory. It’s like spreading a subtle threat on your bread.

Alternative: Mayonnaise Made with Avocado Oil (e.g., Chosen Foods, Primal Kitchen)

Grab mayonnaise made with avocado oil from brands like Chosen Foods or Primal Kitchen. They’re a healthier choice you’ll actually feel good about – kind of like switching from a destructive relationship to someone who actually has your back.

Sweetened, Flavored Yogurt

Yogurt, our so-called healthy snack, isn’t always the saintly option it pretends to be, especially when it’s sporting some vanilla or strawberry flavoring.

Contains More Sugar per Ounce than Ice Cream

Surprise! That fruity, flavored yogurt likely contains more sugar per ounce than ice cream. Next time you reach for it, you might as well be grabbing a pint of Häagen-Dazs.

Includes Artificial Colorings and Flavorings

It doesn’t stop at sugar. These products are often laden with artificial colorings and flavorings, making you wonder if there’s any real food in there at all.

Alternative: Plain Whole-Fat Grass-Fed Yogurt or Whole-Fat Kefir

Go for plain whole-fat grass-fed yogurt or kefir. It might be less exciting to look at, but you can sweeten it naturally with fruit or a drizzle of honey and feel infinitely better about your breakfast choice.

Soy Protein

If soy protein were a TV character, it would be the villain pretending to be your friend. It’s cheap, heavily processed, and lurking in more foods than you might think.

Common Cheap, Processed Protein

Soy protein is notoriously inexpensive to produce and heavily processed, stripping away much of the goodness that soybeans could offer.

Harmful to Gut and Liver

Consuming too much can harm your gut and liver, causing you to wonder if it’s worth the savings. Spoiler alert: it’s not.

Alternative: Whole Protein Sources like Meat, Eggs, Fish

Opt for whole food protein sources like meat, eggs, or fish. They’re not just a protein source; they come with a host of other nutrients your body will relish.

Modified Starches

Modified starches – beloved by food manufacturers and spurned by health-conscious consumers. They might sound innocuous, but the reality isn’t so sweet.

Used as Fillers, Cause Significant Blood Sugar Spikes

Often used as cheap fillers, these starches can cause significant blood sugar spikes. In essence, they’re sneakily contributing to your sugar intake without you even realizing it.

Alternative: Natural Starches from Butternut Squash, Beets, Plantains, Purple Potatoes

Pick natural starches like butternut squash, beets, plantains, or purple potatoes. They’ll offer you the carbs you’re looking for without sudden blood sugar spikes and with added nutritional benefits.


About Dr. Eric Berg

Dr. Eric Berg is a chiropractor with a keen focus on Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He’s also an author and health educator, making complicated health topics accessible to the average person. However, do keep in mind that his videos are great for information but shouldn’t replace professional medical advice.

Dr. Eric Berg Discusses Foods to Avoid and Their Healthier Alternatives


There you have it! By steering clear of liquid sugar, processed cheese, protein bars, seed oil mayonnaise, sweetened yogurt, soy protein, and modified starches, you’re setting yourself up for a healthier lifestyle. So next time you’re at the grocery store, remember these friendly tips and reach for the better alternatives. Your body will thank you, and you’ll feel like you’ve made a friendlier, more informed choice.